[V4RB} Another unicode problem

jda jda at his.com
Wed Apr 16 23:45:14 CDT 2003


I sent this to the RB mailing list, but I'm beginning to think it's a 
problem with Valentina, not RB:

I have code like this:

     fid = new SaveAsDialog
      fid.promptText = "Create a new file."
      f = fid.ShowModal

The problem I'm running into in 5.1b6 is that if the user enters
ASCII values of > 127 the UTF-8 string is converted (in the Finder)
to MacRoman (when running OS X US English).

What follows that code this:

   if f <> nil then

     tempDataBase = new myDataBase
     result = tempDataBase.Create( f, 1, 2 * 1024 )

Ruslan, the file that is created has the MacRoman interpretation of 
the UTF-8 file name (so Dätabase becomes Dˆ§tabase).

I've played around with RB, and I think it handles the text properly. 
Which means that Valentina does not. Am I correct that this is a 
problem with Valentina? If so, it should be fixed when Valentina 
becomes Unicode-savvy, right?


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