[V4RB] Importing tab-delim.

Pedro fp lists at pedro.Net.au
Sun Apr 6 18:07:19 CDT 2003

G'day Ruslan et al

I had no idea of the existence of the ImportText method until this 
thread which brings some thoughts regarding the Valentina documentation 
which I shall visit later but first some questions of my own on 
ImportText ...

Am I correct in believing that ImportText requires having an active 
vCursor and that the vCursor must have the fields represented in the 
import file in the same order as in the import file?

Can the initial vCursor be one with no records?

Can the vCursor have fields in addition to those being imported?
In my case I have a bunch of [meta data] fields that are calculated on 
import. If these can be part of the vCursor on which the ImportText is 
performed it would mean I do not have to get a new vCursor for 
calculation of these.

Does ImportText treat the first row of the import file as data or 

Concerning the documentation ...

I have often thought that the documentation needs an index &/or an 
alphabetical function list even if that function list just gave page 
references to the manual. This particularly came home to me when I went 
to look up ImportText &, not knowing what class it belonged to, had to 
look through a lot of the manual.

I've also found a number of errors that can be quite confusing. Most 
immediately, the ImportText & ExportText methods both have the 
description for FieldDelimiter repeated as the description for 

I appreciate the good work that's already gone into the Valentina 
documentation. If someone from the documentation team wants to contact 
me off list <mail at pedro.Net.au> I'd be happy to help as I can on both 
these fronts.

On Friday, April 4, 2003, at 06:10  PM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> on 4/4/03 12:28 AM, Justin at justin at crunch-recording.com wrote:
>> Hello Ruslan and list...
>> what's the absolute fastest way of importing a tab-delim text file 
>> into
>> a Valentina database?  I've turned off indexing for all fields and for
>> all methods and then use .importtext but I've noticed it isn't nearly
>> as fast as using VAPP.  Should I be using database methods(add without
>> flush) for the fastest results?
> No, ImportText will be faster thn your own Adds.

Cheers, Pedro :-)

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