Valentina Reports -- many FAQs

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Wed Sep 5 07:44:29 CDT 2012

On 9/5/12 8:30 AM, "Tim Seyfarth" <tjs at> wrote:

Hi Tim,

> Hello,
> I finally have had an opportunity to use Valentina Studio for some time.
> Not a lot of time, but several hours.  I find the overall appearance of
> V5 Beta superior to the formally released V4 version. The overall
> impression is that the studio is fairly easy to use. The report
> generation is FAST.  And my overall expectation is, this is going to be
> a great product and a wonderful addition to my tools to develop
> professional Real Studio software products!

Thank you, Tim. 
We working hard to provide this

> I have seen Valentina take some hard hits in the Real Studio forums, but
> I can say my initial reaction is very positive.  I do think however the
> documentation needs better organization.  It is a bit fragmented, and
> therefore harder to use than I would like.  Not to say that the
> *content* of the docs is not there, just a bit harder to use and will
> take some getting used to.

Please drop any advices or such things which are not expected.
We will try correct improve asap. Any possible info to not eat your time,
Something as URL, and question which is not answered may be, or xref to
other page ...

> Here is a list of questions. I am trying to limit the number of
> inquiries for both of us.

I will add may be something from this into FAQ pages asap.

> 1.  How can I concatenate two fields into one on a report.  Such as a
> First and Last Name into a single field "name"


Two ways:

A) start expression with  '= '  and then specify any valid SQL expression
     = CONCAT( "First Name", ' ', "Last Name" )

      report engine will ask SQL query from DBMS.

B) Use Macros as
          $F(f1) $F(f2)


> 2.  Is there a way, during run time, to modify a report - or do all
> reports have to be created at design, and then chosen at run?

You mean from e.g. REALbasic app code ?

Right now you cannot modify report.
We have provide very simple API in ADK:
  it opens project, choose report,
  give datasource and query.  Done.

If you have ideas how you could modify report runtime, we can discuss this
privately or on Valentina lists...

For controls on report we have property NAME, but it is not used yet in rela
life. I guess Igor have add it exactly to similar things.

Note, that controls can have condition style. This can solve may be some

> 3.  Is there a way to format the date and time from a SQLDateTime Field
> into a more readable date and time.  And to transform the date/time
> format to local (localize)?

There are very powerful formatters, based on IBM ICU library.
Dates, currency. All using 270 locales of planet...

Can be defined in inspector.

I need clarify more on this ...

> 4.  Is there an ability to break apart a SQLDateTime field, then format
> each (date/time) into a localized familiar format?

Y M D ?

I think you can split date to parts using SELECT itself and SQL functions of

> 5.  Is it possible to combine localization (language) to the headings of
> the report at RUNTIME?

You mean define for some Label few values:
  English    Name
  Russian   Имя
  German   ...

And report generates using specified locale ?

WE have this as feature request on TODO.
On Valentina list I did send couple of letters how this can looks.

> 6. How to set the page margin for the Top and Bottom?

Not clear.

Check this page please


> 7. Is there an easy way to draw vertical grid lines to separate the columns?

Not yet

I think can be easy added in nearest days into next beta build.

> 8.  Is there an easy way to draw both horizontal and vertical grid lines?

In generated report?

Usually we use for this borders around a control.

> 9. Can grid lines from 7&8 be turned on/off at run time?

Please explain 

> 10.  How hard is it to add reports once a project is released?  Same for
> updating existing reports?

Not hard.  

Just open again .vsp  project file and add one more.

In theory your users can modify reports self using vstudio ...

May be we need to think yet about closing of .vsp from such user access.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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