Some issues...

Jochen Peters j.peters at
Mon Dec 20 07:11:37 CST 2004

Hi Eric,
> I’m evaluating vStudio (v1.0a70) and am not able to open a Valentina
> Server database despite being connected (this is a vServer based on the
> v1.1 engine).
So - you can CONNECT to your server, right?
Currently vStudio opens ALL databases of a server connection automatically,
so you should see your registered databases in Studio's browser window,

> I also have several of my own databases in the
> /Library/ValentinaServer/Databases folder and have no access to them. I
> cannot register these databases either, without receiving a -43 error.
Hhm - the registering of databases is done by Valentina Server itself -
Valentina Studio ONLY sends an appropiate command to the server. So - maybe
you have not enough access rights on the server - or - to be more precise:
The SERVER does not have the right to access these files - please check that!
> Also, when I try to bookmark a server connection (locally) that doesn’t
> work, but the server does automatically appear in the “Open Recent”
> menu item.
Yes - this is a known issue which will be fixed.

> I also cannot open a database using the appropriate File menu entry,
> when the Valentina Server is chosen/highlighted in the browser window.
> The “Open database...” menu choice is not grayed-out at this point. I
> can open a database when I have chosen the “Valentina 1.x files” in the
> browser. Should I not be able to do this when connected to the server?
Yes - this is a bug as far as i see. But - all server databases should
already be open...
> Registering a database is a real pain. A option to browse the HD should
> be available, and the filename and path of the chosen DB file should be
> automatically entered into the dialog box.
Yes - this would be fine. But this must be funcionality of the server -
Valentina Studio can not do this without help from the server...
Ruslan - what do you think? Wouldn't it be nice to have this remote file
browsing capability?
> Finally, what ODBC drivers are available which can “see” Valentina DB’s?
As far as i know we currently do not have a ODBC driver for Valentina -
at least not for the new version 2.x. Ruslan?

In case of Valentina Studio: It can work with any ODBC driver on Mac and
Windows for read-only access to third party databases.

Best regards,
Jochen Peters


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