Valentina's Wiki

Marek Niesiobedzki nm at
Thu May 10 00:54:11 CDT 2012

I agree with Dennis and Ruslan in this conversation. 

It' what I mentioned earlier - the most important is the SOFTWARE, which in case of Valentina is working well even if have some minor bugs (there is not known software completely free of bugs - I don't know such). What impressed me is immediately response for my problems or found bugs. I vote for max points for Valentina staff for that.

Also sad before that I prefer to have perfect software than manuals. 

Of course good manual with excercises is needed for beginners, but it don't must be the introduction to base of SQL or database or servers theory. If I speak about "beginners" in this case I mean about people who has even minimal knowledge about SQL, database structure, relations and "speaking with". It's a lot resources on the web (ex. w3schools). As "beginners" in this case are people switching from other software. 

What is mister for me in manuals and excercises?
The only this what differs Valentina from other databases, mainly how to work with binary links in multitable database (parent and child tables). As beginner in Valentina I don't need to SQL or LiveCode manuals from there.

Best regards to everybody.

Waiting for 5b29,

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