Valentina's Wiki

DMW consult at
Wed May 9 16:51:28 CDT 2012

Hi all,

Some members of this list is quite critical to the quality and
standard of Valentina's wiki. Initially I tend to agree but the more I
work with it the more acceptable I find it is. Yes, I wish it could be
complete, no errors and everything perfectly clear but I prefer to
have good tools rather than a complete wiki. Paradigma is not
Microsoft, IBM or Oracle so they need to make some priorities.

One thing that I have noticed is that members here loudly complain
about the wiki but will not spend any time to give some input to
Paradigma in order to improve the documentation. That's a poor
attitude. If we use the wiki and find something than should be
improved the least we can do is to file it at Mantis or make a post in
the general mailing list or directly to Ruslan et all.

For some time ago Ruslan invited us all to come up with issues and how
to improve the wiki. I recall the outcome was quite poor. 

How can something be improved if no input is given?

Kind regards,


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