V4RB2.5b20 upgrade problem #2006

jda jda at his.com
Wed Nov 22 07:41:29 CST 2006

>I don't understand this now.
>When I open new app and database is converted I get the new version 
>number. I can't check the old version number, then the database is 
>converted and then I get the new version number.
>So every time when I open database first time when it will converted 
>and later I will get every time the same version number. where can I 
>find the information that the database is NOW converted and when I 
>start applcation next time that it is NOW not converted!!
>It is possible that I think to complicate ;-))

I think so. There is a special function to return the version number 
of an unopened db. Here is how I use it

     i = valentina.GetDatabaseVersion(f)
     if i < &H200 then // return f if version less than V2.x
       return f
     end if


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