V4RB 2.3 Changing VLink in Existing Databases

Bob Keeney bkeeney at everestkc.net
Wed Apr 19 15:01:08 CDT 2006

Sorry to be dense, but I'm having issue deciphering the  
documentation.  Can someone give me some pseudo code that will take  
the 2nd VLink matching a certain criteria?

Here's the details, my database is created via the class way so my  
objectPtr links are named generically "Link_XX" and I don't know what  
their names are beforehand.

I need to find all links that have Left Table = "ATable" and Right  
Table = "BTable".

The second one (assuming there are two of them) needs to be changed  
so that Left Table = "CTable", Right Table = "BTable".

Thanks a bunch.
Bob K.

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