[V4CC] Valentina for Cocoa, Vdatabase.h

Justin Drury justin at crunch-recording.com
Sun Sep 25 12:29:57 CDT 2005

>Well, does Obj-C support exceptions ?

>If yes (and I am sure yes) we WILL support exceptions.

>Justin, this is much more strong feature then LastErrorCode checking.
>A lots of advantages !!!
>Why you want lastError - style ?

I'm used to using Exceptions for things that have gone horribly wrong not so much for general error 
checking.  If there's an elegant way of called sql without peppering NS_DURING everywhere I'm up for 
it.  I only suggest returning NULL as a style as a user can continue forwards without any error 
checking(for prototyping) and not worry about any crashes, or uncaught exceptions leading to app 
termination.  (Obj C allows developers to send messages to NULL objects with no problems).

>You ask we V4CC will bind to controls ?

>If you think we need this, then we must do this.
>Let's discuss this, let's see what is required for this.

If the valentina class has a BOOL property called isInitialized, that's all we need.  When the user 
passes a valid serial number in private code you call setIsInitialized:YES, on demo timeout you call 
setIsInitialized:NO, and then in demo projects simply bind in Interface Builder the control's enabled 
property to isInitialized.  Now instead of timeout errors, the interface could disable controls.  Its a 
dubious request, but could be extended to the vDatabase class so if a connection is dropped or a 
database is closed, certain things (like searchfields) can be automatically disabled. Actually as I type 
this sending a notification to the notification center would be better in this regard(or done as well).  
Then windows can register to receive this notification and throw up alert boxes/disable controls.

But these are minor comments in the grand scheme of things.

I'm curious to see the vCursor class, here are a couple of obvious suggestions...
-(NSDictionary *)rowAsDictionary:(int)rowNumber;

plus as we discussed earlier
-(id)objectInVCursorAtIndex:(int)index; // returns row as KVC.
-(unsigned int)countOfVCursor; // returns count of rows.

(Ensuring KVC Compliance if my mail program breaks the link)


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