V4REV Front- and backscripts

Robert Brenstein rjb at robelko.com
Fri Sep 2 16:54:18 CDT 2005

>On Sep 2, 2005, at 7:06 AM, Robert Brenstein wrote:
>>I have just noticed that when running V4REV examples stack, I have 
>>9 backscripts and 3 frontscripts from v4rev components open. That 
>>is quite a few, I must say. If they are all required for operation, 
>>it will not be possible to use V4REV in Revolution standalones or 
>>using the Player (see scriptlimits). If they are only for the 
>>examples, then why are they in the components that sit inside the 
>>Rev bundle?
>What scripts are you seeing?  When I open the V4REV examples I have 
>I don't see any additional front/back scripts besides what the Rev 
>IDE usually uses.

My bad. Sorry, dalse alarm. You are right, Trevor. They are part of 
Rev distro. I just did not pay proper attention to full paths but 
looked only at the stacks name:

there are three buttons from revLibrary.rev open as frontscripts and 
eight as backscripts as well as one backscript from 


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