[VREV] showing results

Ivan Smahin IvanSmahin at public.kherson.ua
Thu Oct 6 11:23:45 CDT 2005

Hello ron,

Thursday, October 6, 2005, 11:01:11 AM, you wrote:

rb> I would like to clarify the UTF16 UTF8 matter.
rb> 1.  I cannot make a Val db of UTF 16 flds for REV
rb> 2.  I can only pass UTF8 back and forth to REV (in its current
rb> condition) through the V4REV xcmd.
rb> 3. This is done by following the example provided in the IOEncoding
rb> stack

rb> Correct?

Actually there is 3 stages where the encodings are involved.

1. IOEncoding("UTF8") means that any string passed to/from V4REV will be
UTF8 encoded. Nothing more. In theory you could use any encoding here.
But due to the current Rev. unicode implementation, I think, it would be
UTF8 only.

2. Internally,  V4REV  uses  UTF16.
3. But  database could be saved as UTF16 encoding (implemented) so UTF8
   one (not implemented yet).

   Hope it would not make the things more hazy. :)
Best regards,
 Ivan                            mailto:IvanSmahin at public.kherson.ua

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