V4RB2 Cross compile to windows

Sims, John AYU8 at CDC.GOV
Tue Mar 1 08:19:24 CST 2005

Hello Ruslan,

I am developing using RB for MacOS X Professional Edition and I decided
to try to compile my application to a Windows exe to see how well the UI
is going to translate.  When I tried to compile, I received the message:
Unable to locate the Windows version of plugin "V4RB:128".  Is the
ability to cross compile to Windows from the Mac version of RB not
implemented yet or have I found a problem or do I just need a different
version of the plugin?  If I have found a problem, is it on your end or
do I need to submit a report to REAL?

This was tried with:
RB 5.5.5fc1 (I'll try fc2 tonight)
V4RB2 beta 49 (I'm installing beta 52 tonight)
MacOS 10.2.8

Thanks for you time.


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