[V4RB] 2.0 b46 uploaded.

jda jda at his.com
Wed Feb 16 11:33:37 CST 2005

>  > To see, create a db, close it, then put a breakpoint at the line
>>  above. Create a new db, step through the mDataBase.Create line, then
>>  check for the existence of f in the debugger.
>>  I hope I am making myself clear.
>I think all this is result of big "gifts" from Apple.
>How to explain you....
>You have see that I have spend a lots time with this FSRef.
>Apple have provide strange non-consistent logic for
>     EXISTED and non-EXISTED objects.
>To make it working I was need write special wrapper around,
>Watch with help of some bool flags and so on.
>I think REAL have fight with the same problems.
>Probably they recognize that object already exists with some delay.
>This is not because asynchronously.
>I think just in their code exists few branches of calls.
>And at least one branch do not check if object already exists.
>And other branch do this, so RB start to see object exists.
>This is only assumption.
>If it is correct then small bug present in the RB code.

Then what is the workaround -- put a loop in the RB waiting until 
file.exists = true?


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