Sorting compound names

jda jda at
Sun Sep 19 09:40:15 CDT 2004

>le 19/09/04 13:45, jda <jda at> a écrit :
>>  What do you think?
>I'm not sure to well understand what are the starting point.
>One VtextField with your list of CR-separated names or is it a list that you
>want to insert in a table ?

Many records (perhaps thousands) with many 
fields. One field is for names -- authors. 
Imagine a database containing books, each book 
having from 1 to n authors. If > 1 author, the 
names in the authors field are separated by CRs. 
We want to sort the records by the authors field.

Note that, therefore, if the first name is 
identical (in the CR-separated name field) in two 
records, the sort takes into account the second 
name, and so on.

>If you have a table with a field containing the complete names, you could
>create a method field to strip the forbidden word and sort on this field.
>For instance :
>Field name :    CompleteName    NameToSort
>Method     :                    Replace(CompleteName, 'van ', '')
>Data       :   van Laaken, D    Laaken, D
>                Smith, TR        Smith, TR
>                Van Meer, FG     Meer, FG
>In your SQL Select, you say :
>     SELECT fieldList FROM tableName ORDER BY NameToSort
>I don't remember if the valentina REPLACE function is case sensitive. If
>yes, you must change he method accordingly.

I'll have to look at this more closely. Does 
Replace to a Replace All, or does it just replace 
the first occurrence? As you see from my example, 
one field can have multiple occurrences of a 
prefix such as "van".


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