Sorting compound names

Francois Van Lerberghe fvanlerberghe at
Sun Sep 19 15:25:14 CDT 2004

le 19/09/04 13:45, jda <jda at> a écrit :

> What do you think?

I'm not sure to well understand what are the starting point.
One VtextField with your list of CR-separated names or is it a list that you
want to insert in a table ?

If you have a table with a field containing the complete names, you could
create a method field to strip the forbidden word and sort on this field.

For instance :

Field name :    CompleteName    NameToSort
Method     :                    Replace(CompleteName, 'van ', '')

Data       :   van Laaken, D    Laaken, D
               Smith, TR        Smith, TR
               Van Meer, FG     Meer, FG

In your SQL Select, you say :
    SELECT fieldList FROM tableName ORDER BY NameToSort

I don't remember if the valentina REPLACE function is case sensitive. If
yes, you must change he method accordingly.

Best regards

François Van Lerberghe
Rue Thier Monty, 15 A
4570 Marchin

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