V4RB, Jon, project

jda jda at his.com
Wed Sep 15 07:05:27 CDT 2004

>>  > But what about the question -- would it be possible to define
>>>  encoding on an individual field level? That would solve the problem.
>>>  That's how language is assigned now...
>>You can see this right now in the my example Common/Locale
>>Best regards,
>>Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
>Jon, what may be escaping you is that valentina 2 will use utf16 as 
>its internal encoding for storing all content. However, it will do 
>on-the-fly conversion to/from encoding you specified. So the 
>encoding and language are just field properties so do speak.

We've been back and forth on this so much in the last year that 
frankly I've lost track of the internal encoding. If this is the 
"final answer", then the whole discussion is moot and all storage is 
16 bit/character. If so, there is NO problem specifying UTF-8 for 
VString because the string length is fixed.

Ruslan, please clarify this.



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