V4RB2 IndexByWord Example

erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Thu Nov 18 22:58:02 CST 2004

Hello Ruslan,

just downloaded new beta and testing IndexByWord Example
it doesn't crash anymore :-)

but still find something weird:
fld_text begins with 'hell' finds the 'Hellow world' record

fld_text contains 'hell' finds no record

fld_text contains 'Hell' finds the 'Hellow world' record
i.e. contains is case sensitive even if CollationStrenght is set to 

the same applies to ends with, i.e.
fld_text ends with 'Low' finds no record

fld_text ends with 'low' finds the 'Hellow world' record

the same happens either with SQL way or with API way

Cool Runnings,
|er| musical box
|ne| a media store

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