Advice please on example organization ?

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Sun May 30 15:47:59 CDT 2004

>Le 26 mai 04, à 22:23, Charles Yeomans a écrit :
>>I think that focused examples are much more useful.

In short: Me too.

In long:

I would keep parallel examples for each way of 
working with Valentina in a separate properly 
labelled folder. This will makes things easier 
for beginners and faster to find for more 
advanced users. And having multiple approaches in 
a single example can be misleading. As we have 
seen on the list, it is not uncommon for people 
to not properly distinguish between sql and 
direct api's and mixing them in not appropriate 

A few simple focused examples for basic tasks is 
the way to go. But, it may be a good idea to 
include also a couple more advanced examples 
showing more complete (but still simple) projects 
to show how the basics work together.

I think this split approach will also make things 
easier for you, Ruslan, in terms of maintaining 
parallel examples for different environments.

Robert Brenstein

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