[V4RB] Valentina 2.0 installation

Claudius Sailer Claudius at sailer-online.de
Tue May 11 20:28:37 CDT 2004

Am 11. Mai 2004 um 19:27 Uhr schrieb Ruslan Zasukhin:

> Component system in ideal must allow YOU to skip some parts of system 
> which
> you do not use. For example, if you not use Pictures, then simply 
> remove
> from YOUR Vcomponents folder the image library. If you want VERY VERY 
> small
> and simple database without SQL then remove HUGE SQL parser and 
> executor
> overhead, remove ANTLR.dll and make Valentina engine 2 times smaller 
> for
> your users.
> Can you do such tricks if all in one ?

When I can generate an app and also hold the VComponents in the 
Application Folder, than I can say to the users this is necessary that 
this is all together, but when they have to install something in 
/Library/CFMSupport this will be a little bit a problem, because it 
brings much more possible problems to me to support users by handling 
their problems.

But to shorten this discussion, the best solution would be a 
description what possibilities would work. For me as an Single-User-App 
Programmer it is necessary that as less as possible files the user need 
to handle und install.
At the moment he has only to unpack a file and move it to the place he 
wants. Klick on the Icon and it works. Moves the folder to an other 
place and it works. Easy handling. I believe!!



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