Opening an older db

jda jda at
Mon Jul 12 17:03:42 CDT 2004

>Not remember if I have told this on this list
>* taking into account that Valentina 2.0 engine itself is about 3MB of size,
>And it uses several MB of third party libs, I think it will be not big
>problem if we drop here into Vcomponents folder Kernel_1.dll about 1.2 MB.
>Having this dll, it is possible open 1.x database and do simple and fast
>BYTE to BYTE conversion.

Maybe even that could be cut down, since you only need to convert 
V1.x to V2, no actually do anything with the data (like create 
indexes, sql operations, etc.)

Speaking of size, will it be possible for us to use the OS X ICU 
library that's already installed? This could be an option, no? That 
will save up to 8 MB if we want to have all of the available 
languages at hand, which will be a big savings for those of use who 
sell our apps by download.


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