Hi,<br><br>As I'm still on the learning stage I have the following test code to retrieve data from a VDB:<br><br>Dim ivcCursor As IVCursor<br> ivcCursor = mDataBase.SqlSelect(inQuery:="SELECT * FROM Person", _<br>
inCursorLocation:=EVCursorLocation.kClientSide, _<br> inLockType:=EVLockType.kReadOnly, _<br> inDirection:=EVCursorDirection.kForwardOnly)<br>
<br><br>In what way should I use the IVCursor to populate a DataGridView control with the retrieved data?I did notice that I can iterate but that's not the route I want to take as I want to do it faster.<br><br>Thanks in advance and all the best,<br>