Diving into Rev + Valentina, again.<br><br>This time around, as highly recommended by Ruslan (William Humphrey and others) I've tried to steer clear of Rev's own DB calls and stick exclusively with Val API calls. At his point all I'm trying to replicate is revDataFromQuery; ie extract actual data, not a cursor. I did a search of the Val Wiki and couldn't find anything that seemed right, so searching the Val and Rev Lists I discovered and email from Chris Sheffield 26Feb08 (thanks) basically pointing out that in earlier versions of Val there were:<br>
<br>Cursor_GetRecord and Cursor_GetRecords<br><br>but these had disappeared. Ruslan mentions adding them back, but as I say, I can't find any reference searching the Val Wiki.<br><br>In desperation I thought I'd just lower my standard and use a Non-API call just for this task. Then I discovered I can't do any revDB calls.<br>
<br>In a brand new stack I do a simple (based on Rev Dictionary Syntax):<br><br>revOpenDatabase("Valentina","",myDbPath,"","","",myMacSN,"")<br><br>and I get an error indicating that it's an invalid DB type? By searching the list I see Trevor is using "Valentina2", same error. In the Test.rev stack that comes with Val I see it's using "Valentina4" but still the same error. I also notice that the majority of the tests in the Test stack aren't even run, but that's beside the point.<br>
<br>So, thanks again to Chris, I did some snooping of externalFunctions of the "home" stack, I see there are API calls for VCursor_GetRecord, VCursor_GetRecords and VDatabase_SqlSelectRecords. Unfortunately doing a search of the Val website for 'sqlselectrecords' has 1 hit for VConnection_SqlSelectRecords under the NEW for V4REV but gives no detail or syntax. Again, no hits for 'getrecord'.<br>
<br>Looking inside the Test.rev stack I see this:<br><br>put VDatabase_SqlSelectRecords( mDatabase, "SELECT a1 FROM T1 WHERE a1 = 1 or a1 = 2", "kServerSide", "kReadWrite",, 1,3, " ", " ", "<td>", "</td>" , "<tr>", "</tr>") into res<br>
<br>put VCursor_GetRecords( mcurs,1,4344," ", " " ) into res<br><br>So does this do what I'm looking for, and if so, what are the parameters required and what is returned?<br><br>If this is not what I'm looking for I'm assuming someone out there has already invented the wheel (generic function) that takes any Cursor returned from VDatabase_SqlSelect, and does a nested repeat through each field of each record and returns the content either into a multi-line list or an array? Care to share… please :-)<br>
<br>Help appreciated.<br><br>Val 4.6, Rev Studio 4.0 Bld 950, OS X 10.6.3, MBPro<br>