Problems with loading an xml dump

Beatrix Willius bwillius at
Sun Feb 2 05:56:08 CST 2014

Hi Ivan,

this is the basics of loading the dump:

newDatabase.LoadDump(DumpFolderitem, theFolderitem, EVDumpType.kXML, "UTF-16”)

The problem occurs when opening the new database:

  dim DBVersion as Integer = Valentina.GetCurrentFormatVersion
  dim currentVersion as Integer = Valentina.GetDatabaseFormatVersion(theFolderitem)
  dim theConversionResult as Integer
  if currentVersion < DBVersion then theConversionResult = ShowDialog
  if theConversionResult = 2 then Return False

I’m checking for version5 database. The error message “database doesn’t exist” came after trying to read GetDatabaseFormatVersion. After adding a database.close the problem went away.

Oh blech, didn’t I want to make an example for the index crash?

On 02.02.2014, at 12:00, Ivan Smahin <ivan_smahin at> wrote:

> Please describe how exactly (in detail) you are loading the dump to get that error?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Regards

Trixi Willius
Mail Archiver X: The email archiving solution for professionals

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