
Ivan Smahin ivan_smahin at
Sat Apr 12 02:04:02 CDT 2014


On Apr 11, 2014, at 6:15 PM, Fabian Kneubuehl <support at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I see that you plan to introduce CHANNELS. What’s the meaning of that and what for can it be used?

In short,
It is about asynchronous notification system. Available both - locally and in vClient-vServer environments.
There are "channels" to send/receive messages. You can send message ( any string ) to the channel and you can subscribe to receive messages from the channel. Both - API and SQL way are available. To receive notifications from some channel you should subscribe it first and wait for the messages - it could be another thread or just checking for the messages periodically from the main thread.

How to use it - depends on your needs. It could be:
- simple chat system, say, to receive notifications from admins;
- async app-specific channels for specific events;

Best regards,
Ivan Smahin
Senior Software Engineer
Paradigma Software, Inc
Valentina - The Ultra-Fast Database

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