V4REV 4.7 - Crash when DB reaches size of 2147483647

Bernard Devlin bdrunrev at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 19:15:28 CST 2013

I'm checking if Valentina will provide the required insert & select speed
for a database which could grow into the 50gb range.

The database contains Long Long PK fields, then the rest of the fields are
Varchar and Text fields.  The only indexes are those required for PK

During a bulk insert, I consistently get a crash when the database reaches
a size of 2147483647.  I note this is the maximum size of a Long.

The database has a segment size of 32768.  And I get the crash regardless
of whether the database consists of 1 file (kDscDatBlbInd) or 4 files

The table with the most records in it has 30801659 records, and is 2.00gb
in size.

There are about 90,000 distinct records, and for this test I'm inserting
the same set of records over and over again.  On about the 7th iteration of
inserting this 90,000 records, the crash occurs.  Thus, it seems it is
nothing in any of the individual inserts which causes the crash (or it
would crash during the earlier iterations)

That this db size is exactly that of a Long, makes me think I'm hitting
some magic limit.  My understanding is that a 32k segment size should be
able to produce a db that approximates to 64gb of data.

The database is encrypted.  The database is on a NTFS partition.


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