Valentina crash when using one .localName setting with another system locale

jda jda at
Mon Apr 15 11:43:13 CDT 2013

Hi Ruslan,

I've found that in Valentina 5.x (including 5.1) I can generate a hard crash by assigning a localName to a database and using it with another locale (on the Mac).

Here's what I do:

1. Run on a Mac in which the System Preferences Language & Text are set to United Kingdom

2. Create a database in RAM

      myDB.Create( f, EVdbMode.kDscDatBlbInd , 4 * 1024 )
      myDB.localeName = "en_US"

3. Fill a cursor with fields for this database.

4. call myCursor.addRecord -> crash

(log not helpful, just unhandled exception errors).

If I change the System Preferences to US there is no crash.

This didn't happen with Valentina 4.x or earlier, so something changed in Valentina 5.

Do you have any idea why this happens?

I can leave the .localeName setting blank and don't get a crash, so that's what I'm doing now. But I don't know how that's going to affect the behavior of the database.


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