Please help with API way of checking UserID and Password

Barry G. Sumpter barrysum at
Mon Mar 26 17:32:51 CDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to verify UserID and Passoword using
This is the only example I could find with two fields.
I'm used to the SQL way so the API way is a little strange to me.

>From v4Rev example Field_Find.rev
We do a Find Field based on a user name
Then do a find field based on a password
Then do a vset_intersect between the two results- that I can't get to work

Is there a better way?

Why is my vset_intersect returning the - fatal signal 11 error which is
usually a wrong object being used.

I'm removed a lot of debugging messages.
This is the real meat of the script.
I've had a really good look at vWiki but nothing looks close to the LiveCode
script found in the v4Rev samples.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


on ValidateUsernameAndPassword
-- setup Database Object
   initValentinaDB_OpenConnectionLocalOrRemoteServer           -- setup DB
Connection Object
-- setup Table and Fields Object
   --   Put "--Starting - SelectAll" & cr
   --   put VTable_SelectAllRecords( mGeoUser ) into allRecs   -- this works
returns all 10 recs
   --   get showError()
   --   ShowSet mGeoUser, allRecs 
       put VField_FindValue( mUsername, gMyUsername ) into set1   --create a
dataset of records that have this username    -- Works - returns 1 rec
   -- put VField_FindRange( mUsername,  true, gMyUsername, gMyUsername, true
) into set1   -- Works   -- returns 1 rec
   put VSet_Count(set1) into recount    -- must do this here else: Fatal
signal 11(usually wrong object) Don't know why
   ShowSet mGeoUser, set1
   if recCount < 1 then
      put recCount & " ***** Valid Username not found: "  & gMyUsername & "
- " & mUserName
   end if
   put "mPassword: " & mPassword & " - gMyPassword: " & gMyPassword & cr
   put VField_FindValue( mPassword, gMyPassword ) into set2    --create a
dataset of records that have this password   --  works returns 1 rec
   -- put VField_FindRange( mPassword,  true, gMyPassword, gMyPassword, true
) into set2  -- works returns 1 rec

   put VSet_Count(set2) into recount  -- must do this here else: Fatal
signal 11(usually wrong object) Don't know why
   ShowSet mGeoUser, set2
   if recCount < 1 then
      put recCount & " ***** Valid Password not found: "  & gMyPassword & "
- " & mPassword
   end if
   -- Now combine the two RecID Datasets - should only have 1 record - if
two then there a duplicate UID/PW combo recs

put VSet_Intersection( set1, set2) into set3   -- I get a fatal signal 11
here - (usually using the wrong object)    ************

   put VSet_Count(set3) into recount    -- must do this here else: Fatal
signal 11(usually wrong object) Don't know why
   ShowSet mGeoUser, set3
   if recCount < 1 then
      put recCount & " ***** Valid Username and Password combination not
found: "  & gMyPassword & " - " & mPassword
   end if
   --Always get error on these destructors: livecode-server exited due to
fatal signal 11
   -- put VSet_Destructor(set1) into set1
   -- put VSet_Destructor(set2) into set2
end ValidateUsernameAndPassword

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