Shocked to find can't init valentina with LiveCode

william humphrey bill at
Thu Mar 8 09:33:36 CST 2012

I've never had much luck with the samples either. I think someone should go
through and test every sample with latest Mac OS operating system and
latest LiveCode and latest Valentina install and just delete all the
samples which no longer work. It would be wonderful if the samples were
designed for a first time user.

In your stack connection should look like (in this order):

  *get* Valentina_InitClient( 10 * 1024 * 1024,"extremely long serial
number stuff here",)

   *-- There has been a change so maybe serial numbers aren't needed now?*

   *get* Valentina_DebugLevel("kLogParams")

   *-- first establish connectionRef as gConnection*

   *put* VConnection_Constructor("localhost", "sa", "sa", 15432) intogConnection

   *-- next you establish dbRef as gDatabase*

   *put* VDatabase_Constructor( gConnection ) into gDatabase

   *get* VDatabase_DateFormat(gDatabase, "kYMD")

   *get* VDatabase_DateSep(gDatabase, "-")

   *get* VDatabase_Open( gDatabase, b_l_database.vdb )

   *if* it contains "ERROR" *then*

      *answer* "there was an error in DatabaseOpen"

            *exit* to top

   *end* *if*
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