Datediff differences in US and Europe

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Thu Jun 28 11:43:49 CDT 2012

On 27.06.2012 at 10:07 Uhr -0400 jda apparently wrote:
>It fails if the language is set to German. I thought
>      01-01-1904
>would work, but the search -> no results (there should be many when 
>the language is German (or English).

Actually, in Germany, such a date would normally be written 01.01.1904
Also, don't forget that the month and day are swapped.

Since I can change the format and the order of items as I wish on my 
Mac, you either need to use a standardized input format or be able to 
parse current user settings (unless now() does it for you).


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