updating database in different location

william humphrey bill at bluewatermaritime.com
Fri Jun 1 12:07:32 CDT 2012

OK - I realize that's too hard. But can someone give me some simple
instruction on hosting vServer on a commercial server, like one of my
goDaddy websites or on drop-box like the way mine craft is hosted there. I
have only used vServer on my local network. Since my connection to the
internet is too too flaky I can't use one of my computers to host vServer.

Can anyone help me?

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 9:31 PM, william humphrey <
bill at bluewatermaritime.com> wrote:

> Is there a way to merge to different databases with SQL? One database has
> new data and the other has different new data and I'd like to merge that
> data.
> Maybe it would be less of a problem if I have one database which we export
> with SQL everything new after a certain date and then import that into the
> other database (ignoring any changes in that database) and just adding the
> new data on at the end. Is this something that can be done without risking
> corrupting of data and all the indexes and links?
> The problem is the lack of internet connection in the other location.

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