Datediff differences in US and Europe

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Sun Jul 1 14:13:53 CDT 2012

On 7/1/12 6:15 PM, "jda" <jda at> wrote:


> Ruslan,
> Please read my posts again, carefully.
> I do NOT use Valentina date and time fields,
> I use my own fields (doubles)

Ok, but why by the way?
What reason was ?

DOUBLE is 8 bytes, 
Our DATE field is 4 bytes ...

> and save the Mac date and time data.

You mean current date and time,
> It works, and has for many years.

> I've been using an SQL search that let's me get records entered after a
> relative date:
> datediff( now(), '01/01/1904', 'seconds')
> and it works for Engish! But the *stupid* function is language sensitive, so
>      '01.01.1904'
> is required if the language is German.
> And God knows what it is for Russian!


So problem is that when your app runs on German OS
your hard-coded   '01/01/1904'  value  becomes wrong?

Well, fix is simple enough I think.

You know that exists

So you can on start of your app assign that

    .format = kMDY
    .DateSep = '/'
    .TimeSep = ':' 

Now these settins will be used for any OS.
And your hard-coded values will be valid

> I want a simpler way to always get what I want without worrying about the
> language.
> If Valentina can't do this, just tell me.
> Jon
> Sonny Software

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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