convert() or cast() in valentina

Ivan Smahin ivan_smahin at
Tue Jan 17 02:11:16 CST 2012

On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:04 PM, Giacomo Vernoni wrote:

> Hi,
> I know there's been a discussion back in 2008 about the SQL convert() function, but I need it for something different.
> I have a "img_name" field with image names, for example:
> IMG_0010.jpg
> myPicture10a.jpg
> PIC_210_OK.jpg
> I need to search for the images that ONLY have the number 10.
> In my example, I should get the first two records (that have a "value" of 10), excluding the last one that has a value of 210.
> In MySQL I can easily do that with this query:
> SELECT * FROM images WHERE CONVERT(img_name, SIGNED) = 10;
> or using CAST:
> SELECT * FROM images WHERE CAST(img_name as SIGNED) = 10;
> How can I do this in Valentina?

WHERE img_name LIKE '%10%;

Best regards,
Ivan Smahin
Senior Software Engineer
Paradigma Software, Inc
Valentina - The Ultra-Fast Database

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