Is there a fixed length Valentina uses to index varchars?

Chris Jones cjones at
Sun Feb 20 20:29:23 CST 2011


I am working on a table that stores a bunch of file paths, I have created it
roughly as so:

fldBasePathID ObjectPtr; -indexed
fldFilename VarChar(2044); -indexed
fldPath VarChar(2044);-indexed
fldFullPath VarChar(2044), Method: "LOWER( CONCAT( '<',
ISNULL(fldBasePathID,'0'), '>', '/', ISNULL(fldPath,''), '/', fldFilename )
)"); -indexed,unqiue
fldPathLookUp String(32), Method: "MD5( fldFullPath )")

BasePath points to a list of base file paths that are common among many of
the files.
It works great for most data, but I've run into two similar files that

(2,'Runtime/libraries/Pose/DAZ's Victoria 4/Morph Injections/V4 Elite Ethnic
Faces/1_FullHead & Face','AmericanIndian_Faceshape.png')
(2,'Runtime/libraries/Pose/DAZ's Victoria 4/Morph Injections/V4 Elite Ethnic
Faces/1_FullHead & Face','AmericanIndian_Faceshape.pz2')

I've found that if I replace the 'p' (from png or pz2)  in either with
another letter the records insert fine, but if they are the same letter I
get a conflict in the fldFullPath constraint.  I've also fund that if I
remove the extension completely on one of them but lengthen both paths by
the same string it doesn't work either.  Is the unique index no taking all
the characters into account?

--Christopher Jones
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