Creating a sort where certain leading chars are ignored

jda jda at
Sat Jun 26 13:35:59 CDT 2010

> To ignore case sensitive:
> select
>    trim(regex_replace( f1, '(?i)\\[|\\]|van|der|von', '\\'))
> from
>    t1
Thanks, Ivan. But the records are already in a cursor (they are an arbitrary subset of a table).

I tried removing the UPPER's from my method, like this

WHEN LOCATE('Von'), coalesce(authors,editors))=1 THEN
RIGHT(coalesce(authors,editors),LENGTH(coalesce(authors,editors)) - LENGTH('Von'))
coalesce(authors,editors) END

But it still didn't seem to be case sensitive. Can LOCATE be case sensitive? Or is there another function I can substitute that is?


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