Problems with binary links

Andrew Dempsey andrew at
Sun Jan 31 16:23:30 CST 2010

Heh... yeah sorry about that... that was a classic pointless tech- 
support-email!  Let me try again.  This will be a fairly long  
explanation.  I am not *expecting* anyone to be able to help me with  
my own coding, but I am hoping that someone may be able to spot  
something I haven't.  If not, at least the process of writing out the  
problem in detail may help me think of a new angle.

I am using V4RB, and no Vserver.  Developing on Leopard, for use on  
mac and windows.


I have an app that has lists of vocabulary that can be sorted into  
categories.  Something like putting songs in playlists in iTunes.  It  
starts with several thousand words already in the database, linked  
into categories.  These are the ones I have set up in advance.

It also allows the user to drag words into new or other categories.   
These are the "on the fly" links that get created in the application.

There are 3 main tables involved in this.  vocabItemMasterlist,  
itemCategories, and categoryLinks.

CREATE TABLE "vocabitemMasterList" (
	"listEnglish" STRING (400)  NOT NULL INDEXED,
	"listArabic" STRING (400)  NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE "ItemCategories" (
	"itemCategoryName" STRING (256)  NOT NULL INDEXED,
	"isCustomCategory" BOOLEAN  NOT NULL INDEXED,

CREATE TABLE "categoryLinks" (
	"ptrCategory" ULONG  INDEXED,  [points to rec in ItemCategories]
	"ptrItem" ULONG  INDEXED);  [points to rec in vocabitemMasterList]

I also created a binary links between categoryLinks and each of the  
other 2 tables.

CREATE BINARY LINK "bl_categoryLinks_to_itemCategories" ON TABLES  
("ItemCategories", "categoryLinks") AS 1 TO 0 ON DELETE SET NULL;

CREATE BINARY LINK "bl_categoryLinks_to_vocabItemMasterList" ON TABLES  
("vocabitemMasterList", "categoryLinks") AS 1 TO 0 ON DELETE SET NULL;

When I first imported the data from the old database (about 4000  
items), I wrote a small realbasic script to put the ptrCategory and  
ptrItem values into categoryLinks.  I also used the following code to  
link the tables using the binary links:

   dim tblCategoryLinks As VTable = currDB.Table("categoryLinks")
   dim lnkCategoryLinks_to_ItemCategories As VLink =  
   dim lnkCategoryLinks_to_vocabItemMasterList AS VLink =  
   dim i,currPtrCategory,currPtrItem,Recs(1),numCat,numItem As Integer
   numCat = 0
   numItem = 0

   for i = 1 to tblCategoryLinks.RecordCount
     tblCategoryLinks.RecID = i
     currPtrCategory = tblCategoryLinks.Field("ptrCategory").Value
     currPtrItem = tblCategoryLinks.Field("ptrItem").Value

     //link to category
     recs(0) = currPtrCategory
     recs(1)= i

     if currDB.ErrNumber <> 0 then
       numCat = numCat + 1
     end if

     //link to item
     recs(0) = currPtrItem
     recs(1) = i
     if currDB.ErrNumber <> 0 then
       numItem = numItem + 1
     end if
   next i

This was successful.  To check and make sure the links were actually  
there, I checked the data inside VStudio and could see the linked data  
all connected to each record in the categoryLinks table, both in the  
binary links as well as the object pointers.

Back in my realbasic app, I would use the following code to pull up  
all of the records from vocabitemMasterList that corresponded to a  
given 'ptrCategory' that the user would click.

  1  dim as_CategoryLinks, as_ItemLinks As VArraySet
  2  dim bs_vocabItems As VBitSet
  3  dim bl_categoryLinks_to_itemCategories As VLink =  
  4  dim bl_categoryLinks_to_vocabItemMasterList As VLink =  

  5  if ptrCategory >0 then //if a specific category is selected
  6   as_CategoryLinks =  
  7   if as_CategoryLinks <> nil then
       // there is a set of items
  8     WorkingBitSet = tblVocabItemMasterList.SelectAllRecords
  9     bs_vocabItems =  
  10     WorkingBitSet = WorkingBitSet.Intersection(bs_vocabItems)
  11   //.... process the data....

WorkingBitSet would contain all of the recID's from  
vocabitemMasterList that I needed (line 10).  This works perfectly,  
and is extremely fast.


In my application when the user drags a word onto a new category in  
the list (like dragging a song into a new playlist in iTunes) a new  
record in categoryLinks is created, with ptrItem pointing to a record  
in vocabitemMasterList, and ptrCategory pointing to a record in  

I then use the SAME code I used earlier to link the files in the  
binary links.

         tblCategoryLinks.Field("ptrCategory").Value = ptrCategory
         tblCategoryLinks.Field("ptrItem").Value =ptrItem
         newRecID = tblCategoryLinks.AddRecord

         //link to category
         recs(0) = ptrCategory
         recs(1)= newRecID

         //link to item
         recs(0) = ptrItem
         recs(1) = newRecID

This doesn't give me any Vexception. But when i use the code given  
above to try to pull up all the vocabitemMasterList records associated  
with each categoryLink record, given the ptrCategory in which the new  
links were created, the link to table itemCategories returns a  
Varrayset with the proper number of records in it (line 6 above), but  
the FindLinkedAsBitset on line 9 above would return all of the records  
previously in the database, but not the newly created one (or any  
newly created ones, when I tried a few times).

When I double-checked the data outside of RB to see if the binary  
links had indeed been made, in Vstudio it showed all of the records  
linked to each other properly through both the binary links and the  

I have tried a huge number of variations on these scripts and checks  
on the data to try to figure out where I have gone wrong, but haven't  
been able to come up with anything yet.

If anyone made it this far, I will be really impressed!  Would love to  
hear any thoughts - I have been thinking about this all day!  Sorry  
for the huge email.


Andrew Dempsey
andrew at

On Jan 31, 2010, at 11:10 PM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> On 1/31/10 5:39 PM, "Andrew Dempsey" <andrew at> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
>> I am having strange results with binary links in my application.  I
>> have a binary link that joins 2 tables, and is working fine with all
>> the records that I created imported in a batch into the database
>> (using a script that I wrote).
>> When I use the exact same script inside my application to link items
>> in the two tables on the fly, the tables are linked - I can see the
>> links inside Vstudio when I look at the data afterward.  But in the
>> application when I try to pull up records using the
>> vLink.FindLinkAsBitset method, it only returns the originally  
>> imported
>> data records, not the ones created on the fly (even though they  
>> appear
>> to be linked in Vstudio).
> So your app creates new links "on the fly".
> Then you close db and open it in Vstudio?
> Then again close db and go back to your app to try  
> FindLinkAsBitSet() ?
> What then means "on the fly"?
> You do not use vserver, right?
> What API? V4RB? Else?
> OS ?
>> I could give the code for my tables and for the way I am creating the
>> links, and using FindLinkAsBitset, but I thought I would ask in
>> general terms first in case there is something obvious that I am
>> forgetting to do.  It seems to me to be inconsistent.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Ruslan Zasukhin
> VP Engineering and New Technology
> Paradigma Software, Inc
> Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information
> [I feel the need: the need for speed]
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