V4RB: RB requiring RB Professional Edition at compile

Robert Nichols robert at formwork-architecture.com
Sat Jan 30 17:32:54 CST 2010

After upgrading my v4rb plugin from 3.5.2 to 4.3, I'm having trouble compiling using RB Standard Edition. RB complains that it needs the Professional Edition for the database access, etc.

This is all very familiar, and I had been successful in the past with DisableRBDB file in RB.app package, and before that in plugins folder. Just a week ago, Ruslan suggested putting the file in the same directory as RB app/package. None of these locations has worked.

This is a particular puzzle because the change I made to my work environment was just Valentina plugin upgrade described above. I'm still using the same install of RB (2007 r5).

I know from reading the list archive that others have had this problem, but I'm amazed to see no resolution appearing in list traffic.

Is this problem still unresolved? There must be many people in the same situation...




robert nichols

formwork design llc
114 3rd st ne | charlottesville, va 22902 | 434.296.2223 | formwork-architecture.com

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