V4CC - VVarchar constructors faulty

Ernesto Giannotta ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Sun Jan 3 14:42:37 CST 2010

Hi Ruslan,

from the V4CC_VarChar.h:

@interface VVarChar : VString 

-(id) initWithName:(NSString*)inName maxLength:(int)inLen flags:(int) inFlags method:(NSString*)inMethod;
-(id) initWithName:(NSString*)inName length:(int)inLen flags:(int)inFlags;
-(id) initWithName:(NSString*)inName length:(int)inLen;
-(id) initWithName:(NSString*)inName;

but only first constructor returns a valid Varchar field, the others generate a Vstring object with unpredictable results (banged my head on it all day long!)

So better remove them from header or make them work as expected ;-)

I'll Mantis this right away.

Cool Runnings,

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