Speed of Blob-writing...

Thomas Flemming tf at ttqv.com
Mon Feb 8 14:47:22 CST 2010


its again about speed :-)

Im storing map data as Blobs.
Works perfect and is very fast in reading.

For example reading of 10 mapsegments, each a blob of 2MB is just 200ms in 
total, including decompression.

But why is writing of the same data so slow?

The same 10 mapsegments needs 6000ms just for the fldTexture.WriteData(b).

I created the table like this:

   Dim s As String = "CREATE TABLE ""map_data"" ( " & _
                          """idx_db"" ULLONG  NOT NULL UNIQUE INDEXED," & _
                          """idx_level"" BYTE  NOT NULL INDEXED," & _
                          """texture"" BLOB (1024) COMPRESSED ); "

A larger segment-size does not change the time for writing.
When I create the field without compression its faster, but still takes 3000ms.

Best regards,

**   Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Flemming
**   Software Development
**   Touratech AG
**   Auf dem Zimmermann 7-9
**   D-78078 Niedereschach
**   mail  tf at ttqv.com
**   fon   +49 (0) 7728 9279-206
**   fax   +49 (0) 7728 9279-29
**   http://www.ttqv.com
**   http://www.touratech.de
**   ... und immer dem Pfeil nach!

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