V4RB Linux Installation errors in Ubunbtu (ldconfig)

Stan Busk maxprog at mac.com
Fri Aug 13 13:38:00 CDT 2010


I have tried to install V4RB for Linux as usual and this is whay I get

> sudo '/home/maxprog/Desktop/v4rb_470_lin/install.sh' 
[sudo] password for maxprog: 
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvreport_release_x86.so.4.6.0 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvreport_release_x86.so is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvclient_release_x86.so is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvkernel_release_x86.so is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvshared_release_x86.so is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvshared_release_x86.so.4.6.0 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvclient_release_x86.so.4.6.0 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/vcomponents/libvkernel_release_x86.so.4.6.0 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.

Any idea of what that means? I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS


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