4.5 Server - string fields saving only a single character

Robert Nichols robert at formwork-architecture.com
Tue Apr 13 14:48:39 CDT 2010

OK. Very strange problem...and the list may think I'm crazy, but I've just spent 3 hours trying to isolate the problem so I wouldn't look like a fool. If I'm missing something really obvious, then...sorry in advance! (I'll be a fool, but with my problem solved.)

I'm running 4.5 server with V4rb mac client. Upon upgrading plugin and server to 4.5 from 3.?, I started having a problem saving string values to newly created records.

Here is the pattern, I believe:

- If I 
	1. create a blank cursor, 
	2.  cursor.addrecord
	3. populate fldString
	4. update via cursor.updaterecord
 then the value sticks correctly, and can be successfully edited later.


- If I 
	1. create a blank cursor, and 
	2. do NOT populate fldString 
	3. cursor.addrecord (returns recid 123)
	4. cursor = nil
	5. create new cursor to edit record 123

Then the FIRST time I try to populate and update fldString via cursor, valentina only saves first character of string.
Subsequent attempts to update truncated value are successful. The only time the problem happens is when fldString is populated for the FIRST in a cursor other than the cursor used to create record (cusor.addrecord).

I'm seeing the problem in different fields and across different tables. I never saw anything like this prior to migrating from 3.? (can't recall what version I was using) to 4.5.

Crazy? I couldn't find any similar references in the list archive, so I suspect I am the problem...



robert nichols

formwork design llc
114 3rd st ne | charlottesville, va 22902 | 434.296.2223 | formwork-architecture.com

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