[ANN] 4.2b6 Vstudio PRO (mac/win) + VNET (win). [[SPEED +20%]]

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Sun May 17 04:19:54 CDT 2009

Hi All,

You can download 4.2b6
    Vstudio Por         mac + win
    VNET                      win



    I have implement new memory management.
    As result the whole speed of engine have grow 20-25% UP.


    Thorsten reported
    [kernel 0004320]: Unable to clone trigger with some UDF inside.


    Memory leak fixed.

VReport - 4.2
- 0004065: [Expressions][NEW] SUMs and Calculation in group footers
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004066: [Expressions][NEW] SUMs and Calculation in column footers
(igor_nikita) - resolved.

- 0004285: [Control - Text Field] Right aligned text has a cut on right
side. (igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004288: [SubReports] stored procedures calls are cached (igor_nikita) -

VStudio PRO - 4.2
- 0004290: [Report Editor] Scrolling fontsize combobox up crashes vstudio
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004289: [Reports - Barcodes] Choosing symbology "PZN" crashes vstudio
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004057: [Reports - Preview] [NEW] Menu "Render Engine" to easy see how
preview will looks on that engine. (igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004056: [Report Editor] [NEW] Report Inspector should have menu Render
Engines (igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004119: [Reports - Preview] Need to log errors when text don't fit into
control rect (igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0003626: [Application Menu] Try to open new project (igor_nikita) -
- 0004121: [Project Tree] Need to add "Duplicate" to context menu
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0004123: [Forms Editor] Need to add splitter between controls panel and
editor area (ruslan) - resolved.

VStudio - 4.2
- 0004275: [Import/Export] Can't export a result set (ivan) - resolved.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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