VPHP-Issues ... solved for me!

Thorsten Hohage thohage at genericobjects.de
Tue Jan 20 11:47:11 CST 2009


so today we check and re-check all the settings and files and  
directories with these both PHP-Deployment and build specialist and  
found nothing on the first view

BUT ....

with this console entry

> PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/ 
> php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/php_5_valentina_fat_64.so'  
> - (null) in Unknown on line 0

  and discussing about it, someone mentioned to check the "real" files  
in the .so file and this shows the following. While the running cups  
contains FOUR files, for 32-bit and 64-bit PHP

phpcups.so:             Mach-O universal binary with 4 architectures
phpcups.so (for architecture ppc7400):	Mach-O bundle ppc
phpcups.so (for architecture ppc64):	Mach-O 64-bit bundle ppc64
phpcups.so (for architecture i386):	Mach-O bundle i386
phpcups.so (for architecture x86_64):	Mach-O 64-bit bundle x86_64

our VPHP only contains 2 files

php_5_valentina_fat.so: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
php_5_valentina_fat.so (for architecture ppc):	Mach-O bundle ppc
php_5_valentina_fat.so (for architecture i386):	Mach-O bundle i386

Furthermore, why is it named php_5_valentina_fat.so ?!?!?!? WAIT ...  
and then we found, that there was several more alias left and in one  
of these directories there is the "old" php_5_valentina_fat.so

After deleting all these aliases and placing the right  
php_5_valentina_fat_64.so in the real folder .........

tatatataaaaaaaaaa - I'm up and running.

Btw. in this company Zend is not used for at least 2 years, they only  
work with Eclipse and PHP, due to the fact, that the Zend IDE tend to  
manipulate the system to much.

So as a resume:

a) if you've ever installed the Zend IDE and other tools it's better  
to re-install the machine or get someone who is really able to clean  
up you machine before - THIS in a polite form should be in the wiki!

b) check your disk for any old files "php_5_valentina_" so it's not a  
wrong file used - clean your old installations

c) on a clean system (Mac OS X client) the current version with the  
given installation described in the wiki works

So next steps during next days:

* Trying to install it on our Mac OS X Server

* Trying to port redaxo


Thorsten Hohage

Valentina Technology Evangelist
generic objects  GmbH - Leiter Solution Center Nord

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