Mysterious Valentina Exception

Matthew Jew mjew at
Thu Jan 8 15:56:24 CST 2009


In a previous debugging discussion, you suggested I use a routine to
help debug Valentina exceptions.

So in my open method, I have this:

void DbValentinaBase::Open( FBL::I_Location_Ptr pLocation )
		DB->put_Location( pLocation );
	catch( FBL::xException& Err )	
		ProceedException( Err, "DbValentinaBase::Open" );

and ProceedException is this:

void ProceedException( FBL::xException& Err, char * errLocationString )
     FBL::String Msg( Err.get_ErrorString() );

         std::cout << "Valentina exception caught in " <<  
errLocationString << ": \n";
         std::cout << "\tError code        : " << Err.get_ErrorCode()  
<< "\n";
         std::cout << "\tError description: " << Msg.getBufferA() <<  


Recently, I have been seeing this debug message:

Valentina exception caught in DbValentinaBase::Open:
	Error code        : 4294967257
	Error description:

I usually get a sensible error code and some sort of message.
This one puzzles me, though.

What do you make of it?

- Matthew

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