AW: VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) fails

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Tue Dec 15 10:14:39 CST 2009

Hi William,

it is roughly not so far from my approach. My windows-mac stuff is to set
the appropriate character set for the german umlaute.

But even that happens far later, as my App kicks out. It stucks just at the
first Valentina statement Valentina_InitClient().

Btw. I don't know the functions "VConnection_Construction()" and
"VConnection_Open()" Is that Valentina or you?


Thanks for the hint with Valentina_DebugLevel, I will give it a try, if I
find a problem customer, who is capable to do some testing for me




Von: valentina-bounces at
[mailto:valentina-bounces at] Im Auftrag von william
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009 16:37
An: Valentina Developers
Betreff: Re: VDataBase_IsOpen( gDBRef ) fails


My database open (runs once only in mainstack on open card) looks like this:


note:  I don't have any special stuff there for windows so I wonder if that
is bad?


on DatabaseOpen

   put "" into field error_field  of card "Client Card" of stack "clients"

   put "" into field IsOpenField  of card "Client Card" of stack "clients"

   put "" into field "record ID"  of card "Client Card" of stack "clients"

   put "" into field "total records"  of card "Client Card" of stack


   get Valentina_InitClient( 10 * 1024 * 1024,"hulking long serial

   get Valentina_DebugLevel("kLogParams")

   put VConnection_Constructor("localhost", "sa", "sa", 15432) into


   if  VConnection_Open( gConnection ) contains "ERROR" then     

      answer error Valentina_ErrString()

      return empty


      --nothing here

   end if  

   put VDatabase_Constructor( gConnection ) into gDatabase

   get VDatabase_DateFormat(gDatabase, "kYMD")

   get VDatabase_DateSep(gDatabase, "-")

   get VDatabase_Open( gDatabase, b_l_database.vdb )


   if it contains "ERROR" then    

      answer "there was an error in DatabaseOpen"

   end if

end DatabaseOpen


Then I call (just to be sure that it really opened):


on ShowStatistics

   put VDatabase_Name( gDatabase )  into field "error_field" of card "Client
Card" of stack "clients"

   put VDatabase_IsOpen( gDatabase ) into field "IsOpenField" of card
"Client Card" of stack "clients"

end ShowStatistics


then I call (if the show statistics was ok) a bunch of stuff that pulls data
from the database and fills out cards, option buttons etc.



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