Idea for importing!

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Wed Aug 26 01:28:16 CDT 2009

On 8/26/09 7:34 AM, "Greg Olson-Hyde" <greg at> wrote:

Hi Greg,

> When I export my data from SQLite, ALL fields are enclosed with "".
> When imported into Valentina the integer fields seem to cause
> Valentina to quit.
> However, if I make all fields VarChar or Text, the import goes fine.
> Ruslan says he doesn't recommend changing form VarChar to Long or
> Short while the fields contain data,

Well, this is not prohibited!
I sorry I have told this :-)

Valentina CAN Easy convert field types from v1.0.

And we can after all conversions done, do CLONE of db,
So you will get nice clean sweat DB files.

> so, I was thinking this may be a
> good idea:
> 1. Create a table of all VarChar with my correct field names.
> 2. Import the data.
> 3. Change the field types to Long, Short and Date as required.
> 4. Export the data - no more "" enclosing Long, Short and Date fields.
> 5. Scrap the table.
> 6. Create a new table with correct field names and types.
> 7. Re-import the data - done!
> Anyone see any problems with this - will it screw up the data or cause
> any other problems?

Good idea! :)

And no need for SPs -- Stored Procedures.

And no need to use RegEx :-)
Although my advice will be spend time to learn regex
It will take 2 hours of play, and you will use it future forever quite

Each developer should know Regex IMO.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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