Strange database behaviour

Vansh Singh vsingh at
Fri Aug 14 10:49:16 CDT 2009


I have a Valentina database that was created by Valentina 4.0 Xtra

Now, I open this database in VStudio. I run a query and it gets me 1
result. This is a simple select query going after 1 table with a where
condition using the 'like' keyword. I am sure it should get me tens of
results. So I open up the table and scroll through it. I expand the
column that I have the where condition on; to look at the data. I see
that there should be a lot more hits.

So, I run the same query again, now it gets me tens of results. What is
going on here? Some invisible character at play here? I have never seen
this happen before.

I can re-create this issue.


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