SqlSelect doesn't find text in textfield

Markus Fraefel markus.fraefel at futurestudios.ch
Mon Sep 22 04:02:10 CDT 2008

Hi everybody,

I work with Director and Valentina database and need to search Valentina
database fields of type 'Text' and 'String' for a searchTerm that is entered
by the user. This works fine as long as the searchTearm contains 1 word or a
part of 1 word without any special signs. 

As soon as the searchTerm contains any special characters like (, %, ? etc.
the search doesn't find any records although there are database fields, that
contain those characters. 

Also if the searchTerm contains 2 or more words (without special characters)
the search doesn't find any records.

I am using the following Lingo code:

res = gDB.SqlSelect( "SELECT * FROM Seiten_de WHERE Lauftext LIKE '%" &
searchTerm & "%'", #kServerSide, #kReadWrite, #kRandom )

What is wrong with this code?

Regards, Markus


Ernst Müller Str. 8 
CH-8207 Schaffhausen 

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E-Mail:  markus.fraefel at futurestudios.ch 

http://www.futurestudios.ch <http://www.futurestudios.ch/>  



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