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william humphrey shoreagent at
Tue Sep 2 14:22:06 CDT 2008

Using RunRev and "VCursor_GetRecords"
I'm using the following code:

on GetEmails

put "select d_email_email, d_email_note,l_emailtypes_type,data_email.RecID
from data_email join list_emailtypes on email_types WHERE
d_email_clients_ref  = " & tClientID into tSQL

put VDatabase_SqlSelect( gDatabase, tSQL ) into CursorRef

 put VCursor_GetRecords(cursorRef,1,12,tab,return ) into fld "email_list"

end GetEmails

It works perfectly, returns the results I want but RunRev keeps saying
error in function handler: VCursor_GetRecords"

Can someone please suggest some lines of code I can put in there to test
what is bothering RunRev?


I haven't been trapping for errors and I would like help doing so.

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