Virtual Table....

Charles Cohen rwc1717 at
Sat Oct 25 20:29:23 CDT 2008

Hi Ruslan:

.....running RB2008r1 and OSX 10.5.4...

	In V4RB 3.4 I create a virtual table.....using the code below

dim vA as VTable

   vA =  
   call vA.CreateStringField("a",45)
   call vA.CreateStringField("b",7)
   call vA.CreateStringField("c",7)
   call vA.CreateStringField("d",8)
   call vA.CreateStringField("e",7)
   call vA.CreateStringField("f",7)
   call vA.CreateStringField("g",16)
   call vA.CreateStringField("h",15)
   call vA.CreateStringField("i",2)
   call vA.CreateStringField("j",4)
   call vA.CreateStringField("k",500)
   call vA.CreateStringField("l",500)
   if totalbase then
     call vA.CreateStringField("m",1024)
   end if

...then I use the following code to restore my database..


       vA.LoadDump( fiXML,EVDumpType.kXML)
       pbA.maximum = vA.RecordCount
       resVal = vA.FirstRecord
       for i = 0 to vA.Recordcount-1
         pba.value = i
         if vA.StringField("a").Value <> "none" then
           rs = Nil
           rs = aDb.SQLSelect("select * from aEquity where equityIDA =  
           if rs.RecordCount = 0 then
             aDb.aEq.aDescript.value = vA.StringField("a").Value
             aDb.aEq.aHigh.value = vA.StringField("b").Value
             aDb.aEq.aLow.value = vA.StringField("c").Value
             aDb.aEq.aTarg.value = vA.StringField("d").Value
             aDb.aEq.aDivd.value = vA.StringField("e").Value
             if totalbase then
               aDb.aEq.aBuy.value = vA.StringField("f").Value
               aDb.aEq.aNote.value = vA.StringField("m").Value
               aDb.aEq.aBuy.value = "0"
             end if
             aDb.aEq.aPerf.value = vA.StringField("g").Value
             aDb.aEq.aequityID.value = vA.StringField("h").Value
             call aDb.aEq.Addrecord()
           end if
           rs = Nil
           rs = aDb.SQLSelect("select * from aPrice where priceIDA =  
'"+vA.StringField("h").Value+"' and monthA =  
'"+vA.StringField("i").Value+"' and yearA =  
           if rs.RecordCount = 0 then
             aDb.aPrc.aMonth.value = val(vA.StringField("i").Value)
             aDb.aPrc.ayear.value = val(vA.StringField("j").Value)
             aDb.aPrc.aDayString.value = vA.StringField("k").Value
             aDb.aPrc.aDayStringHL.value = vA.StringField("l").Value
             aDb.aPrc.aPriceID.value = vA.StringField("h").Value
             call aDb.aPrc.Addrecord()
           end if
         end if
         resVal = vA.NextRecord

It worked flawlessly...

In V4RB 3.5.2 it crashes with the following report...@  
vA.LoadDump( fiXML,EVDumpType.kXML)

Process:         Charting Equities.debug [589]
Path:            /Users/admin/Sites/Real Basic Projects/Graphing V3/ 
Charting Equities.debug
Identifier:      ???
Version:          (1.0.0d0)
Code Type:       PPC (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [100]

Date/Time:       2008-10-25 17:46:56.063 -0700
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F33)
Report Version:  6

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04b0ca18  
fbl::Dumpable_XML_Field::_XML_EndElementHandler(void*, unsigned short  
const*) + 712
1   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04df1f68  
doContent(XML_ParserStruct*, int, encoding const*, char const*, char  
const*, char const**) + 3096
2   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04df23b0  
contentProcessor(XML_ParserStruct*, char const*, char const*, char  
const**) + 48
3   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04df2c78  
doProlog(XML_ParserStruct*, encoding const*, char const*, char const*,  
int, char const*, char const**) + 1324
4   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04df400c  
prologProcessor(XML_ParserStruct*, char const*, char const*, char  
const**) + 84
5   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04dedde0 XML_Parse + 188
6   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04b137ac  
fbl::Dumper_XML::Do_LoadDump_UTF16(unsigned long, int) + 108
7   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04b13948  
fbl::Dumper_XML::Do_LoadDump() + 132
8   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04b13a68  
fbl::Dumper_XML::LoadDump(fbl::smart_ptr<fbl::I_Dumpable>) + 60
9   libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04dd6848  
fbl::smart_ptr<fbl::I_Location>, unsigned char, char const*) + 728
10  libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04dcd1a4  
fbl::smart_ptr<fbl::I_Location>, unsigned char, char const*) + 148
11  libvkernel_fat_release.dylib  	0x04c4663c  
fbl::Table::LoadDump(fbl::smart_ptr<fbl::I_Location>, unsigned char,  
char const*) + 144
12  V4RB.rbx_0.dylib              	0x04825a4c  
Table_LoadDump(REALobjectStruct*, REALfolderItemStruct*, int,  
REALstringStruct*) + 328
13                                	0x00313484 VTable.LoadDump% 
%o<VTable>o<FolderItem>i4s + 132
14                                	0x007febf8  
%o<ArchiveWindow.ArchiveWindow> + 20784
15                                	0x007e0f10  

(this is not the whole report..if you need it I can replicate it easily)

Is there a change in 3.5.2 from 3.4 regarding virtual tables?

I reverted to V4RB 3.4 and the code works fine.


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