Faulty REGEX search

jda jda at his.com
Fri Oct 3 09:19:23 CDT 2008


I'm constructing a REGEX search that looks through a varChar field 
for words on separate lines. The lines may begin with a Return or Tab 
character, and may end with a Return or simply be the end of the 
field. The following search (for "33") returns 81 records (should be 
none). If I remove the \0 (which should signify end-of-field) it 
returns none, which is correct.

      (varCharField REGEX '(?i)[\r\t]33\0')

I've looked online for REGEX instructions and found the $ can be used 
to indicate end-of-line. This search *seems* to work properly

      (varCharField REGEX '(?i)[\r\t]33$')

Is that in fact the correct syntax, or am I missing something?



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